Imagine Worldwide partners with governments, organizations, and communities to provide child-directed, tech-enabled learning that is accessible, effective, and affordable at scale
What We Do

Catalyzing Learning at Scale
Imagine enables sustainable scale. We believe that systemic change must be driven by governments and local actors to have lasting impact. Imagine’s role is collaborative and temporary. We mobilize philanthropic capital to catalyze the elements necessary for national scale of the tablet learning program. We tap into the talent of local organizations and communities to strengthen the capacity, expertise, and infrastructure of government systems before stepping away for long-term local ownership.

Building Evidence
Imagine Worldwide is committed to ensuring the efficacy of our program. Through a variety of research methods, including randomized controlled trials (RCTs), quasi-experimental designs, action research, and mixed-method quantitative and qualitative research, we have built an evidence base that has consistently shown significant positive impacts on learning in a variety of settings and contexts.
We are now conducting systematic implementation research to understand the barriers to and enablers of quality implementation as we expand in different locales. Our research also supports continuous improvement of the software, in collaboration with partner onebillion, to increase the impact of the software overall and for more children.