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Imagine Worldwide

Child-Directed, Tech-Enabled Learning Provides an Opportunity For All Children to Learn

What is Child-Directed, Tech-Enabled Learning?

Children drive their own learning, at their own pace, using software that provides a complete, research-based curriculum and pedagogy. Adults play a supportive, facilitative role. The software is delivered to the learner on a tablet, without connectivity, and charged by solar power or other appropriate energy sources.

What makes these solutions unique?


Learners use portable tablets that rotate among as many as five children per day.


Learning is child-centered with students driving their own learning with adaptive content for 30-60-minute sessions per day.

Human Touch

Adults facilitate sessions and support students, but lessons are delivered via tablet, reinforcing teacher instruction.


Software is a full curriculum and pedagogy is research-based and culturally appropriate.


The solutions work in all settings (in school, in a community setting, or at home), do not require internet connectivity, and can be charged via solar power.

What makes these solutions scalable?


With hundreds of millions of children out of school or lacking access to effective schooling, this model can provide every child, everywhere access to learning. Solutions can work without internet access or grid power. Adults play facilitative, rather than instructional, roles.


Best-in-class software provides a complete, research-based curriculum that adapts to each child’s pace, progress, and cultural and linguistic context. We work with our partners to continuously improve literacy, numeracy and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) gains.


The annual unit cost of the learning solution is less than $7 per child and declining. This includes hardware, software, accessories, power, shipping, and implementation support from Imagine.

What is the software experience like?

Imagine’s software partners provide research-based pedagogy and a full curriculum in the local language that is adaptive and appropriate for the local context. Learn more about our key software partner onebillion below.

Additional Community Benefits


In addition to student learning gains, our projects provide community infrastructure (electricity, storage/security) and capacity (training teachers, local partner staff, and community members) as well as exposure to digital technologies. These systems and processes are essential building blocks to launch any subsequent edtech initiatives. The hardware (like solar panels) also provides renewable energy for over 20+ years and promotes wider adoption of renewable energy in the community.