A two-year RCT with children in Malawi showed significant learning impacts in literacy and math despite multiple disruptions due to COVID.
4.2 months
of additional literacy learning after 13 months of disrupted schooling due to COVID
attained emergent or fluent mathematics status after 13 months
Both boys and girls had similarly positive results
more children advanced on national literacy benchmarks
Rigorous Studies of onebillion's Software

1 Pitchford (2015). Development of early mathematical skills with a tablet intervention: a randomized control trial in Malawi. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:485.
2 Pitchford, Hubber, and Chigeda (2017). Unlocking Talent through Technology: Improving Learning Outcomes of Primary School Children in Malawi. Report prepared for Voluntary Service Overseas. Author.
3 Levesque, Bardack, and Chigeda (2020). Technical Report: Tablet-based Learning for Foundational Literacy and Math: An 8-month RCT in Malawi. Imagine Worldwide: Research Brief No. 1. https://www.imagineworldwide.org/wp-content/uploads/An-8-month-RTC-in-Malawi_Final-Report_Jan-2020.pdf
4 King, Presley, Pouezvara, Gove (2019). Gobal Learning XPrize Impact Presentation (https://shared.rti.org/content/global-learning-xprize-data-summary#); Levesque and Bardack independent analysis of XPrize data.
5 Levesque, Bardack, Chigeda, and Winiko. Presentation at CIES 2021. Presentation available on request.
6 Pitchford (2021). Implications from a Multi-country Study. Presentation at the 2021 mEducation Symposium.
7 Levesque, Bardack, Chigeda, Bahlibi, and Winiko (2022). Impacts of a 2-year education technology program on early primary learning in Malawi amid disruptions due to COVID-19. Imagine Research Brief No. 1 to be found on Imagine’s website at https://www.imagineworldwide.org/resources/.
8 Levesque, Chigeda, Mgumia, Bardack, Bahlibi, Diazgranados (forthcoming). Details available on request.
9 Ibid.